okay, your having an error with the tech support internet explorer embeded object which i currently no longer use, so i'll remove that in the next update.
for now you could try removing it yourself by deleting this section.
;GUI IE Chat Support
Global Const $SC_RESTORE = 0xF120;
Global $GUIActiveX, $oDoc, $oWord
$IE = _IECreateEmbedded()
GUICtrlCreateObj($IE, 301, 20, 186, 67)
_IENavigate($IE, $MabiPath & "\Support\chat.html", 0)
While $IE.ReadyState <> 4
$oDoc = $IE.Document
$oWord = $oDoc.Application
$oWord.ActiveWindow.View = 6
$IE.document.body.scroll = "NO"
$IE.document.body.style.overflow = "hidden"