* *


Nexon has recently updated Mabinogi to a 64 bit client. This update has broken many mods in memory patchers for the time being. The mod creators are working hard to essentially rebuild all mods from scratch, and this process will take some time. Please be patient, and stay tuned for more updates.

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Mabinogi Status

Erinn Timer

Erinn Time 14:58
Local 01:34
Server 01:34
Moongate Prior G16 [ + / - ]
11:11 Tir Chonaill
12:22 Dunbarton
13:33 Emain Macha
14:44 Bangor
14:44 Emain Macha
16:66 Emain Macha

Ceo in days.

Price [ + / - ]
01:12 Emain Macha - Island in South Pathway
01:48 Sen Mag 5th house from West
Rua [ + / - ]
01:39 Resting
02:15 Resting


Author Topic: [September 3, 2023]Abyss Patcher  (Read 397111 times)

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Offline Blade3575

[September 3, 2023]Abyss Patcher
« on: October 27, 2012, 04:23:30 am »
Support Abyss:
Current goal: $100 out of $100 for 4 years of no down time and an official domain.
Feel free to add to the goal: http://blade3575.com/Abyss/donate.html

Patreon to support Blade3575 and Step29's development of the project: https://www.patreon.com/Blade3575

Abyss Discord: https://discord.gg/KtvpU7v

  • Do not make mirror links or give out any of the files without my permission.
  • You do not have permission to reverse engineer, extract, alter, or use any part of Abyss. Abyss is not open source.

May have outdated information.
Q. Why is NGS detecting a threat?
A. If there was a maintenance, it's likely Abyss will need to be updated. If not, check the thread and search the forums.

Q. I have AbyssInjector.exe, RenameMe.dll, CrackShield.exe, dinput8.dll (in the Mabinogi folder, not Windows directory), ijl15.dll (Abyss, not Intel) or ijl15.dat and I don't see them in the new package, do I still need them?
A. No, the current version of Abyss only comes with Abyss.ini, ijl11.dll, ijl11.dat and README_Abyss.txt. Any older version of Abyss are not supported.

Q. Why is my Antivirus saying ijl11.dll is a threat?
A. I have packed them to make it harder for NGS to detect it. Antivirus tend to assume that anything packed is malicious, and rightfully so.

Q. How do I stop my Antivirus from deleting Abyss or saying it's a threat?
A. Google how to add exclusions to the Antivirus software you're using.

Q. I crash (can happen in many different scenarios).
A. Make sure your data folder and pack files are up to date; if it is, or you're POSITIVE you aren't using one, continue reading.

Q. Font is small.
A. Go to Abyss.ini and change Bitmap=1 to Bitmap=0 and the same with BitmapPositionFix.

Q. BugTrap (Client.exe) has stopped responding when trying to log in.
A. There is none at the moment as I don't know what is causing the issue.

Q. Mabinogi doesn't start, or shows up briefly.
A. Make sure you aren't using pake, otherwise I don't know.

Q. I click Start after choosing my character and the Client crashes before the loading screen.
A. Make sure your data folder isn't out of date. If that doesn't work then PM me your ingame name and server.

Any other problems that may occur:
Run the Client without Abyss. This will eliminate the possibility that anything else is causing an issue.
Try setting ExtraThreads to 0.
Make sure ijl11.dll is added as an exception in any Antivirus you have, it may be limiting what it can do.
Try changing your DNS to Google: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using
If none of this works, post the issue with your log, along with what you've tried to do to solve said issue, if you can't find the same issue after searching.

This also may help with problems you may encounter: http://mabimods.net/index.php?topic=14126.msg231093#msg231093

How To Use:
1. Extract Abyss.7z to your Mabinogi folder. (The one where Client.exe and Mabinogi.exe are located.)

1. *Delete Abyss.ini, Abyss_patchlog.txt, README_Abyss.txt, ijl1.dll and then rename ijl11.dat to ijl11.dll.

*If you have file extensions hidden: Abyss.ini will appear as Abyss, Mabinogi.exe as Mabinogi, etc.

Slash Commands For Use Ingame:



Update Log:

Thanks to Yiting for CrackShield; for without it, this wouldn't have lasted through the HackShield days.
Thanks to whoever made mod_kirisame for a couple functions and a lot of the patches.
Thanks to Lays for all the help he has given in the past.
Thanks to Plonecakes for everything to do with the Secondary Password skip patch and more.
Special thanks to 小太 for some of his patches and all the help he has given me.
Thanks to step29 for InfiniteDyeTime (with help from thatguysteve) and EnableFSAA.

Offline Chunlisa

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2012, 04:52:39 am »
Code: [Select]
!   C:\Users\MAJOR\Downloads\rebuilt.Abyss.rar: CRC failed in HSLaunch.exe. The file is corrupt
!   C:\Users\MAJOR\Downloads\rebuilt.Abyss.rar: Unexpected end of archive

When attempting to extract with WinRAR on Win7 64 bit

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2012, 04:57:57 am »
Try to right click and click repair. If that doesn't work I'll reupload tomorrow, sorry if you have to wait, pretty tired since it's 7AM now x.x

Offline NinjaStickMan

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 05:07:21 am »
Works fine, I just used a different HSLaunch.

Thank you, much appreciated.

Offline 小太

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2012, 05:07:26 am »
You didn't just pull most of the mods out of kirisame, did you ._.
Patcher status: Indefinite Hiatus! Go have an look at the incomplete version here: https://github.com/kotarou3/Memory-Patcher

Offline i486Princess

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2012, 07:54:29 am »
unexpected end of archive when extracting with 7zip

Offline Sleepyz

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2012, 08:04:45 am »
How to install:
Optional: Download and install unofficial tiara.
1: Download abyss.rar and unpack the ddl's and the .ini file
2: Download the R118 solaris version and place the solaris.exe in the mabinogi folder.
3: Modify the dsound.ini to you're wishes.
4: Done!

Confirmed working:
- CP mod
- Bitmap fonts
- Login screen modding
- Detailed Colorinfo
- Detailed Dura
- Shop Price
- Zoom Mod
- Show Ping

Tested on a WIN7x64

Offline KamikazexD

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2012, 08:53:32 am »
Everythings seems to work fine.. Just not Solaris? It's like, bugged? It show a "* 32" on the process page, like it's running on 32 bits, but I have a Win7 64 bits.. Can someone like, please, upload another Solaris.exe? Mine is broken, I think.

Offline Armchair

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2012, 12:59:35 pm »
Aside from the corrupted rar, everything is wroking fine.

Kudos to you, sir.

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2012, 01:47:14 pm »
You didn't just pull most of the mods out of kirisame, did you ._.

No, I didn't. I used kirisame and added a couple patches and maybe more to come. My patching system can't search without crashing and it will break every single update so this was the best choice for the public.

Link is updated and working (had two people test it), sorry about that.

Offline Jessica

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2012, 01:55:42 pm »
Thanks a lot! :D Is there any chance that you could add reading from data folder? I would highly appreciate it!

Offline KamikazexD

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2012, 02:28:00 pm »
Everythings seems to work fine.. Just not Solaris? It's like, bugged? It show a "* 32" on the process page, like it's running on 32 bits, but I have a Win7 64 bits.. Can someone like, please, upload another Solaris.exe? Mine is broken, I think.

Even with the fixed download, it's still broken here.. Everything seems fine I even see the bitmap font on login, but after the "Logging in" and when the second pass should show up, mabi freezes. I am opening HSLaunch..

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2012, 02:33:50 pm »
You have the new dinput.dll and new dsound.dll in your folder, right? Make sure only HSLaunch is running, no Solaris. If you still have the problem tell me if there's anything that didn't go correctly in Abyss_patchlog.txt; if there's nothing and this post doesn't help I'm not sure what would, unless you get an error or you don't see a second window pop up when it freezes.

Offline Jman1070

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2012, 02:53:35 pm »
I keep crashing when trying to enter emain. Might just be my side, but it didn't happen til i got this.

Offline KamikazexD

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2012, 03:07:25 pm »
Doesn't seem to have any problems on the patchlog, I'm going to try again after the hot time event. And yes I'm using HSLaunch. On the process window it says "HSLaunch.exe * 32" does that mean it's running "in 32 bit"? Or am I saying silly things?.. And yeah I have a 64 bits Win7.
It just freezes after I see the "Logging In" message, before the second pw.

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2012, 03:22:35 pm »
Mine has the * 32 as well so that's not a problem since I'm fine.

Offline Kensuchi

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #16 on: October 27, 2012, 05:33:26 pm »
Alright so I'm a bit confused on how this works. I have UT installed and then I installed this and then dragged the r118 solaris into the same folder but when I start up the game, nothing shows up.

I stole this from Penguin Eater Eater

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #17 on: October 27, 2012, 05:36:06 pm »
Do NOT mix this with Solaris. This is something completely different than Solaris, it replaces it.

Offline Kensuchi

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #18 on: October 27, 2012, 05:38:24 pm »
Right so there is no need for any Solaris files then? Just to clarify?

I stole this from Penguin Eater Eater

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #19 on: October 27, 2012, 05:40:41 pm »
Correct. These are all new files for a whole new patcher so nothing to do with Solaris is needed.

Offline Kensuchi

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #20 on: October 27, 2012, 05:43:23 pm »
Right right, thank you for the information and I do have one more question for you. Should Crackshield start up when you start Mabinogi or must you manually start it up? I've started up Mabinogi but there is no symbol in the taskbar for crackshield

I stole this from Penguin Eater Eater

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2012, 05:44:34 pm »
You have to start it up manually.

Offline Kensuchi

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #22 on: October 27, 2012, 05:45:22 pm »
Thank you very much for the clarifications on how to use this and also thank you very much for creating said patcher.

EDIT: I apologize for bombarding you with all these questions but even after starting up crackshield manually, Mabinogi still doesn't show anything different as set in the .ini file.

I stole this from Penguin Eater Eater

Offline Chocobubba

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2012, 05:56:32 pm »
The options are a little confusing, but great work!

Offline Blade3575

Re: [April 15, 2016]Abyss Patcher R226
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2012, 06:05:55 pm »
Yeah, sorry about that, was trying to get something put together fast that worked for lag reduction mainly. Hopefully next update I do will be more clear and have descriptions.