I'm honestly just tired of answering people now, I'm sorry to you all.
My Skype name is on the side, next to my posts, if you have a problem/question, feel free to add me, I'll gladly help, I'm just tired of answering people here.
PMing me also works too
Yes, there is a way to change the font, go download the one you want, it's here on MM I believe, if not, google the name, it's easy to find, I myself use that very font.
Rename it to alphanumeric.ttf, place it in the data folder, copy/replacing the one currently in there.
You MUST REMOVE ALL MODS using the data packer before you do this!!
Data pack it back in once it's in place done.
I'll add a list MNG mods to a spoiler under the patcher section later, I don't feel like doing work right now, I just got back from a full day of first aid training, I'm tired.