I've tried out Tiara Moonshine mod, and looked at Frontend mod, and they both have something I don't want. And that is Nogiparty, or something. It has an unreadable font (that doesn't change much when you try to), and changes all the mimics to white, and a bunch of things I don't want. I've tried to disable aspects of it, but there's a lot of things you can't disable, and ends up having more negative aspects than positive ones.
I've gone through quite a bit of pages of the Client Mod section of the forums, but I haven't found specifically what I want.
I want:
An Erinn-time alarm
Long range name viewing when pressing alt
Permanent party recruiting bubble
Stuff I wouldn't mind:
Land from any altitude
Show durability in thousands
Same channel switching
Minutes value on clock
Stuff I would want to be able to turn off/not have:
Anything that alters Mimics
Show full dungeon map
So far I've just gotten MabiTimer v1.8. I've tried searching, but nothing other than Tiara and Frontend ever comes up. Are there any useful mods that don't use Nogiparty?