* *


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Author Topic: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!  (Read 4441 times)

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Offline Darkboy132

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2011, 09:27:15 PM »
This is a stab in the dark, try installing the .net framework perhaps?

I did. It won't pemit me.
I'm using Windows 7 btw...


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Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2011, 09:31:11 PM »

Offline Darkboy132

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2011, 10:24:55 PM »


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Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2011, 03:47:08 AM »
run as admin under right click......

Offline Darkboy132

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #29 on: March 07, 2011, 08:59:49 PM »
run as admin under right click......

Did that. Still no go.

Offline Vertical

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2011, 02:03:37 PM »
Search for another .dds editing program on google.


  • Guest
Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2011, 02:31:12 PM »
upload the log should give us an idea as to what it is we are dealing with.

Offline Darkboy132

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2011, 06:45:27 PM »
upload the log should give us an idea as to what it is we are dealing with.

I did... didn't I?


  • Guest
Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2011, 09:11:01 PM »
i would send it to the email given

Offline aritus

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #34 on: April 25, 2011, 05:37:23 AM »
please don't shoot me for asking this....

I read in the client mods section (on a dead thread) that you could not use Photoshop for this on account of photoshop doesn't recognize transparency.

I've worked with Photoshop since it was called Photoshop 4 and currently have CS 5. Since CS I've never had a problem with transparencies and I was wondering if Photoshop CS5 is capable of doing what Paint.net is. From here seems like I'd just have to find a way to open a dds file which could just be a simple matter of finding a plugin, right?

Judging from people's sigs I would say that most here already know Photoshop has no problem with transparency so the next thing would be to ask "is it just opening the file that photoshop has a problem with?" I can see where that would cause issues but whitespace can be converted to transparency at a click of the button.

Sorry for bein a noob,

Chaioh~! Air, that's meh, is the neko of ice and Air LAHVES chu! *noms cookie*

Offline Spitfire

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #35 on: April 25, 2011, 07:44:10 AM »
Lol. Um, try searching for a Photoshop plugin that'll allow you to open and edit .dds files. The entire concept is that we want a program that can not only open+edit .dds files, it's also free to use, and transparence is not a problem.
So if you can do it on Photoshop, props to you.

Formerly known as Captain Raidyn.

Offline TheSkai

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #36 on: April 25, 2011, 11:22:52 AM »
If you want legally free try Paint.net or even Gimp

Offline aritus

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #37 on: April 25, 2011, 12:29:27 PM »
I might move to Gimp just because it's free but the interface is gonna take a while to get used to. Anyhow thanks for your input everyone. :)
Chaioh~! Air, that's meh, is the neko of ice and Air LAHVES chu! *noms cookie*

Offline Fl0rn

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #38 on: April 25, 2011, 03:27:14 PM »
Point being made, there's usually specific keys or factors to look for, before ever even clicking or accepting a download.  If you don't know what they are, only download from a verified trusted source, not to be confused with forums.  If you're in forums, watch for at least 5 posts applauding, thanking, or commenting on a feature of the download.  That helps keep a lot of viruses out.

Offline Penguin Eater

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #39 on: April 25, 2011, 06:36:55 PM »
Let me explain a few things:
1. Photoshop requires NVIDIA plugins (google it) to open and edit .dds's. It's very easy to find, and works pretty well.
2. However, I don't edit in Photoshop because if you edit a .dds file to be transparent, it shows up as white. This will screw with all your .dds edits.
3. The problem above does not happen in Paint.net. White is white, transparent is transparent. There probably is a way to fix it, but Photoshop is just a pain, and not much better than Paint.net.

Quote from: pawntobishop
KISS, Keep it simple stupid.  That's the approach you need to take with questions like this.  If someone can't figure out how to cope with a simple error, we need not fill their head with any information.  It's a waste to do so.

Offline aritus

Re: [Guide] Ze Art of interface.dds Modification!
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2011, 12:05:18 PM »
Let me explain a few things:
1. Photoshop requires NVIDIA plugins (google it) to open and edit .dds's. It's very easy to find, and works pretty well.
2. However, I don't edit in Photoshop because if you edit a .dds file to be transparent, it shows up as white. This will screw with all your .dds edits.
3. The problem above does not happen in Paint.net. White is white, transparent is transparent. There probably is a way to fix it, but Photoshop is just a pain, and not much better than Paint.net.

that answers my question to the T

paint.net it is :)
Chaioh~! Air, that's meh, is the neko of ice and Air LAHVES chu! *noms cookie*