IF YOU WANT SOMETHING THAT I HAVEN'T PROVIDED A LINK FOR, JUST ASK!Not much so far... and in my laziness I couldn't find where most people were storing their files (and didn't much want to attach them at the bottom)... so I'm doing the amateur thing of sticking them on my own privately hosted webspace. Don't go crazy with my bandwidth please, ok?
All files are stored in RAR format... cos a winrar is me. Also I'm eccentric.
And another note: These aren't JUST PMG-swaps. They will generally involve texture-alteration, PMG-editing, or both... just to actually warrant "releasing" them (and demonstrating myself marginally more able than a garden slug).
#1. Original Thoroughbred to Aughisky / Kelpie / Dark Blue Ixion ThingieDOWNLOADAGEIt turns your
non-colour-selectable original Thoroughbreds into carnivorous equine water-beasts... that look strangely like recoloured Ixions (and let's face it... if you feed your horse, you probably feed it meat anyway, amirite?)... As an added side-effect, it also recolours Brown Ixions to not be so brown either... but I'm sure that isn't a big deal, right? If you complain enough, I might rename "Brown Ixion" to "Dark Blue Ixion" if I find the relevant file for it... OR if you prefer, you can just install the mesh (the PMG) and leave out the texture (the DDS) in order to get original Ixion colouration for your spiky horsey.
AND if I get bored enough I might eventually give the darned thing ears... but I'm not sure how bored I'd have to be for that.
#2. Human 4th Form Transformation TweaksDOWNLOADAGEThis one makes two significant changes... and you can take either one out if you prefer.
Firstly, it adds shoulder-fur to your Infra Blacks... exactly like Holy Knights have. Yes that finally means that Infra Blacks get something the same colour as their robe, as most other transformations get to enjoy. I don't reckon it looks too bad personally.
Secondly, it switches the helmet of the Champion for the Holy Knight helmet... because I just plain don't like helmets that look like toilets. And most people like Holy Knights anyway, don't they?
I plan on getting a screenshot of the updated Champion when I can get one to stand still for long enough to snap a good one... Until then you'll just have to take my word for it that it looks better.
#3. Karasu-Tengu Starlight RobeDOWNLOADAGEA few of my characters are a bit... Corvid-themed. Crows, ravens or whatever. My main has had a Bird Face Cap since forever... though initially I was a LITTLE disappointed that it sat on top of the head rather than covering the face like a mask...
Well as it happens, I finally fixed that. AND unsatisfied with merely doing that, I also added feathers (from the male Falcon Sage trans). Now the Starlight Robe is... perhaps excessively birdy. Not sure if anyone else really wants this, but I thought the effect was pretty cool. For the record, both the mask AND feathers are the same colour-map as the colour strip down the front of the robe (i.e. black on mine). The whole thing would probably look better on robes that aren't primarily coloured bright yellow... but there ya go.
If anyone wants a version without the feathers... OR wants a different robe to have the mask applied to it... just let me know and I'll fix something up. ^_^ ... This applies for both male AND female by the way... though probably only does it for humans. Haven't checked to see what it'd do to elves or giants yet.