Everyone just calm down for a second...any attempt to stab at each other is only making the situation worse.
- Tsze did start this thread, but it is also bound by the rules of the site, so he does have the right to control certain things, but within reason.
- People do have the right to post pictures here. After all, with a title of "Real Life Picture Thread", doe anyone not expect someone to post more than one picture?
- Some people regularly post several pictures in quick sucession, often even in one single post, and everyone starts randomly going off on a random person? Your arguments are invalidated by your own logic...
- Skitty and I hardly get any sleep at all because of having to come in here and clean up your messes that you make because you behave like children, unable to resist the urge to post hatred at each other...
And all this after I had just reduced warnings of several people yesterday becasue I had thought they had learned to be better than this...
So please, take a deep breath, relax, and think about what you put everyone through before you post. Then, repeat the process, and then post if it would be wise. Thank you.