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Author Topic: REQ: Clarification of offset, rot_axis, rot_angle & help with dagger glow angles  (Read 355 times)

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  • Guest
So I'm a bit new to this and still in the learning process.

I've been trying to get this unsheathing glow effect properly oriented and after a couple hours, I'm close but not quite there.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these assumptions.

The three parameters I have been tweaking around are offset, rot_axis, and rot_angle.

I assumed obviously the 3 parameters for offset and rot-axis correspond to X,Y,Z co-ordinate planes where offset results in shifts of the effect along the respective axes.
However I do also feel am making the wrong assumption, due to the rot_angle being present which the need should have already been satisfied by the Z-rot-axis

I've been tweaking these around and its been a bit difficult to get the glow image to properly positioned onto the dagger and small changes in the rotations do not seem to have a significant impact unless I push the value a bit too much which the results in a larger change than I want.
So far tweaking weapon_Dagger.xml, the closest I have is:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16" standalone="yes" ?>
<meshdesc version="3" effect_version="7">
<EffectGroup play_mode="loop" play_length="0" play="1">
<Effect name="weapon_female_Sword_hand_1" parent="HandtoolR" effect_name="ego_Sword_character03" offset="-1 2.5 8" rot_axis="0 0.50 0" rot_angle="270" />
<Effect name="weapon_female_Sword_hand_2" parent="HandtoolL" effect_name="ego_Sword_character03" offset="-1 2.5 8" rot_axis="0 0.50 0" rot_angle="270" />

So what I am hoping for is some help with the alignment, and a clarification of the parameters and values.

Edit: Well after spending 4 hours I sorta got it.
Code: [Select]
<Effect name="weapon_female_Sword_hand_1" parent="HandtoolR" effect_name="ego_Sword_character03" offset="-1 1 5" rot_axis="0 0.60 -0.06" rot_angle="269" />
<Effect name="weapon_female_Sword_hand_2" parent="HandtoolL" effect_name="ego_Sword_character03" offset="-1 1 5" rot_axis="0.3 0.60 0.14" rot_angle="264" />