Hello mabimodders ^^/)
I know I don't post or contribute as often as I should v.v) but a long, long time ago (in a galaxy far away..) Playtime (I think) linked me to a post containing a Mabinogi HD texture pack. I've been searching for that texture pack today and I did find it but I noticed that it hasn't been updated, or at least it doesn't appear to have been updated, in a very long time.
I realize that Topaz is still around (and looks beautiful) but that mod is still private. I've tried making my own texture mod but all I really did was increase the contrast and add an HDR filter via photoshop on the textures themselves. That's a decent way to fake solid graphics but I don't have the talent to actually draw..anything..not even stick figures v.v).. I digress, does anyone know if there is an up-to-date, public, HD texture pack floating around anywhere?
(side note: I've also been playing with ENB injector and SweetFX to try and mimic some of what Vee shows on his blog but, again, you can only get so far without actual texture updates... v.v )