* *


Nexon has recently updated Mabinogi to a 64 bit client. This update has broken many mods in memory patchers for the time being. The mod creators are working hard to essentially rebuild all mods from scratch, and this process will take some time. Please be patient, and stay tuned for more updates.

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13:33 Emain Macha
14:44 Bangor
14:44 Emain Macha
16:66 Emain Macha

Ceo in days.

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01:48 Sen Mag 5th house from West
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Author Topic: Patreon Now Open!  (Read 3628 times)

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Offline The Proffessor

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Patreon Now Open!
« on: January 11, 2016, 11:40:20 pm »
Hello everyone. I've finally brought myself to go through with starting a Patreon for Frontend and the misc. other stuff I make and do.


I appreciate everyone's feedback over the past few months as I tried to figure out the best way to go about doing this.

I wanted to wait until I had a video made for it, and I held out as long as I could, but unfortunately my finances have reached critical condition, as my monthly bills are now coming dangerously close to lapsing.

I hope you all consider throwing a bit in the pot so to speak, but I understand that not everyone will be able to. There's more info on the Patreon page.

I went ahead and locked the other thread, so any additional feedback can be put here.

Thanks again everyone!
E = mc² actually stands for Enjoyment = (Modifying the Client)². The more Mods you have, the Enjoyment increases exponentially.

Offline Lady Playtime

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2016, 04:22:52 am »
To add to this:

The proff is mostly a behind the scenes kinda guy. He does a lot of work and doesn't share his progress with anyone. Only a very small group of people know what he is actually up to.
I just happen to be one of those people that know what's going on, I don't know everything, but I'll share what I do know that doesn't give away any of his secrets that have not yet been revealed, or in case of his administrative access, I'll not talk about what the general public can't see normally.
There is a good deal of his work I can not talk about, as he has not made it public, or in some cases scrapped the whole project and couldnt make the deadline, such as the annual frontend day major updates to the software.

The higher level staff (myself and the admins) are the only ones aware of his work as an administrator,  but does a good amouny of work to keep this site going smoothly for the users, such as pulling files lost in the server, for reupload, and other such work for the site I won't share due it it being part of the moderation logs.

Proff also goes out of his way to keep the mod report up to date, along with having to manually update the mods for frontend at every patch.

Now for the part you're probably more interested in. His work on frontend and actual mod contribution.
Proff does not have much time to work or contibute anything to the community but still slowly works away at things very small piece by very small piece, however does not wish to share until he has completely finished results to show you all.

For example, the ask the professor thing he posted earlier. I'm the first question asked for that... Proff and I first discussed that almost a year ago, maybe longer?  And only recently did that see the light of day.

Also the various AI and major frontend updates and additions, i've known for equally long amounts of time before they were released to the public.

He does a large amount of work to complete these projects, and usually goes out of his way to also publish a video to go along with the updates, and these videos are in 3D, manually edited to have the mouth match his speech, and all the movement done in the videos is actually done with motion capture and special equipment and software. This takes an especially long time.to complete when you have such little free time due to multiple jobs and money concerns.

Proff does indeed do quite a lot of work. But his contribution is basically zero, because he chooses not to share his wotk until it's complete and can really make an entrance with it.

The point of the donations is to try and help him get by the money concerns, and if enough, even be able to quit one of his multiple jobs. Which would allow him the time required to change his work into results. But with his current situation and jobs, which I do know about but will not share. I know first hand how difficult it can be, especially when you're so passionate about what you've made, but can't even work on it anymore.
It can be both mentally and physically exhausting.

Proff isn't the kind of person to really show off or talk about things. And hopefully he isn't upset that I am sharing this last piece, but he got a bunch of negative comments and thumbs down on posts and videos, and he's taking it to heart. It's very off putting, and even upsetting. He's having a pretty bad time with it.  it took a lot for him to even make this patreon because of that (among other reasons) and that has been something we've discussed many times now. And many of you will never have experienced such a thing, but I've been there as well, it can be extremely difficult, not only mentally, but that can physically manifest as well. Personally, stress, and anxiety, have nearly stopped my heart and I was hospitalized for a month,  and it took doctors 9 months and many hospital trips, before they even realized it was stress/anxiety.

I can't tell you how proff is dealing with it. But I can tell you that multiple jobs, a real rough time for money, and all the negativity... It can be far more difficult than I can describe.

And with all that. I hope I've just answered all the questions, and touched on all the subjects I've seen people talking about. Plus give a little insight into what he's doing.
And proff, if I said anything you don't like,  you've got the same ability to edit posts that I do. Just delete anything you dont like.
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Quote from: Marck
[12:37:42 AM] Marck: ...
[12:37:44 AM] Marck: Adam
[12:37:50 AM] Marck: You can take over MM now, I'm freaking stupid

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Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2016, 12:43:52 am »
Well, it appears Playtime has beat me to it...lol

Yes, unfortunately it is difficult to provide "visible" proof of contributions, as I do everything behind the scenes. I'm not one to "toot my own horn", so to speak.

The whole concept of Frontend itself is automation for the end user, to need as little manual interaction as possible. I endeavor to make things easy to use for people who would rather not learn the intricacies of modding. Mind you I don't mean that in a negative way, many people just like a way to "click X to do this" instead of "click X, then convert X to Y, use Y within file Z to trigger something in file W that unlocks the ability to look at the code in file V, search for a string of numbers in file V at the position determined by something way back in file Z, etc., etc., etc."

Because of this automation, mod updates are done serverside. I do all the updates on my computer, then upload the new mod files to the Frontend Server, which Frontend clients will automatically use to update the next time the user starts the game through Frontend. All in all, literally all the interaction the user does is click OK on the message box that says that Frontend updated mods.

In addition to all that, I also am one of 3 admins that run and maintain this place (obviously with the help of the moderators). Of the 3 people with admin functions (the ability to fix broken things on the forum, ban bots, etc.), Marck, with all due respect to him, is usually busy, and therefore not around, and Skitty is.....well...Skitty...lol... I choose to hide my presence on the forums, since when I'm on, it's usually to check in on the forum and the status of the other modding systems, and I would feel bad if everyone tried to PM me all at once and I didn't have a chance to talk to them because of, as mentioned before, having multiple jobs.

As Playtime mentioned as well, I write all the modding reports for each update. I do that so folks can get a quick heads up if mods are updated, instead of flooding the forum with "why does my game crash when I use X?" threads.

So between Playtime and myself, I hope this puts a more positive light on the situation, and proves that I'm by no means trying to be a freeloader or anything like that.

And for anyone that has been trolling me/harassing me about this:
I have one question, and please don't take this the wrong way. I started the discussions about this endeavor quite a while ago. The original poll was started on November 7, leaving over 2 months of time in which I requested that people provide feedback within those threads. Absolutely zero posts were left for feedback. Is there any particular reason why you waited until 20 minutes after I started the campaign to leave such a question as the first and only donor post on the campaign? Again, I realize that it is very much a legitimate question, as my activities and contributions are hidden from the public eye, but would it not have been better to ask this before, so that it could be addressed then, and not after the fact? Having that type of post there has probably led many to believe that I am not worth their donations, and turned them away. Plus the fact that you're running fake accounts and not actually donating anyway. Begone.
E = mc² actually stands for Enjoyment = (Modifying the Client)². The more Mods you have, the Enjoyment increases exponentially.

Offline laggard

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2016, 05:52:56 am »
Hello The Professor

Sorry to bother you, I am wondering if it is possible to use alternate third party engine (E.g., Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth, as opposed to Mile Sound System used by Mabinogi) for Instrument sound rendition? Because Mile Sound System is old, out dated and inefficient.

Offline The Proffessor

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Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2016, 12:43:41 pm »
Hello The Professor

Sorry to bother you, I am wondering if it is possible to use alternate third party engine (E.g., Coolsoft Virtual MIDI Synth, as opposed to Mile Sound System used by Mabinogi) for Instrument sound rendition? Because Mile Sound System is old, out dated and inefficient.

Unfortunately to the best of my knowledge, Mabi can only use MLS. Keep in mind that Mabi for the most part relies entirely on old technologies. Nexon would have to be the ones to change that, since that would be a part of the core programming itself.
E = mc² actually stands for Enjoyment = (Modifying the Client)². The more Mods you have, the Enjoyment increases exponentially.

Offline Lady Playtime

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2017, 12:15:08 pm »
Bumping the ever  loving hell out of this.

Love ya Proff, moving this to a more high traffic area of the site, despite it being off-topic.

I have a habit of putting threads in the wrong locations to get them seen, and I'm taking your thread now too.

Welcome to high traffic land, Proff.

Fight me <3

And users just seeing this for the first time... Please read the first 3 posts :)
Join me on Twitch, I stream!
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Contact me by email: [email protected]. by Skype: Playtime.xel, PM me here, or say my name in a post and I'll find you!
Quote from: Marck
[12:37:42 AM] Marck: ...
[12:37:44 AM] Marck: Adam
[12:37:50 AM] Marck: You can take over MM now, I'm freaking stupid


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Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2017, 02:54:38 pm »
The Proffessor has done an insane amount of effort, experimentation,  contributions, and so much more over the years.  There's literally just too many things to list here.

Understandably, there are times that we become tied up with real life and operate in "stealth" mode.  This allows us to get more things done, but at a price.  It costs us our connection to the users and community.  I ask on behalf of all of the staff here as well as the rest of the community.  Please, if you can take the time.  Show your appreciation here.  If you can swing a modest donation now and then I'm sure Proff would appreciate it.  It doesn't necessarily have to be just Patreon, however your patronage is very much appreciated. 

Thank you for all that you do Proffessor, and continue to do for us.

To the community:
There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and The Proffessor really could use some support.  Without you, there is no us. 

Offline Fl0rn

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2017, 04:17:26 pm »
. Please read the first 3 posts :)

I'd honestly like to post something inspirational, but frankly i interact with prof very little, and probably know even less about him.  I tried typing a nice post out, to encourage patronage, but it honestly sounded like i'm talking out my backside.  So, let's keep it simple.  Behind the scenes, that's where prof spends most his time.  Prof's a clever and dedicated man, so i personally wouldn't like to victimize him, saying oh poor prof, but rather hold him up for the efforts he has made.  Even if you don't use the publicly released work, you can still appreciate the time and energy he's spent for everyone, including just this site in general.  Any donations made to him, i'm sure will be greatly appreciated.

Offline The Proffessor

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Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2017, 12:23:06 am »
Bumping the ever  loving hell out of this.

Love ya Proff, moving this to a more high traffic area of the site, despite it being off-topic.

I have a habit of putting threads in the wrong locations to get them seen, and I'm taking your thread now too.

Welcome to high traffic land, Proff.

Fight me <3

And users just seeing this for the first time... Please read the first 3 posts :)
Something tells me attempts at argument would be counterproductive...lol
E = mc² actually stands for Enjoyment = (Modifying the Client)². The more Mods you have, the Enjoyment increases exponentially.

Offline zeplic

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2017, 04:53:03 am »
I've been a patreon of professor in the past. But things are looking up for me again, and if he's still seeking patreons and working diligently, id love to jump on board =D
I'm a content creator, and a terrible programmer. If anybody needs help with videos i'd love to be of assistance. I can even produce it for you ! Here is one of my youtube channels:

Code: [Select]

Offline Lady Playtime

Re: Patreon Now Open!
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2017, 07:08:22 am »
I've been a patreon of professor in the past. But things are looking up for me again, and if he's still seeking patreons and working diligently, id love to jump on board =D

Click the yellow  text on the news (top left of the site) it's a link. He's definitely working hard <3 take a look.
Join me on Twitch, I stream!
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Contact me by email: [email protected]. by Skype: Playtime.xel, PM me here, or say my name in a post and I'll find you!
Quote from: Marck
[12:37:42 AM] Marck: ...
[12:37:44 AM] Marck: Adam
[12:37:50 AM] Marck: You can take over MM now, I'm freaking stupid