Welcome to MabiMods! Below is a full list of all modifications to be found here.
(Still a work in progress, more to be added soon)
Note that some mod creators do not give permission to supply their content, as such some links here may direct you to their corresponding thread, where you'll find links to their official websites and/or locations, as they are hosted off-site.
If the mod is listed in red, it currently does not work and needs to be updated!
If the mod is listed in green, it currently works as of 207
If the file is listed in orange, there are special conditions and they will be noted next to the mod.
If the mod has no color, it has not been tested, or I have not updated that section yet. Please do not make posts/threads about mods I have not marked yet!
Popular mods, tools, etc.
Mod packages!Mabinogi FrontendPoison PackThe Unofficial Tiara's Moonshine ModTools and Applications!MODKILLER Mass Mod UninstallerPower PatcherGuides and Information!Master-Guide to Modding!Memory Patchers!AbyssKanan's Open Source PatcherKanan Standalone
Guides and Information!
Guides and information in regards to the game, and to modding. Guides written in green are vital to learning modding if you're getting started.
Master-Guide to Modding!Mod Info and Conflict Resolution GuideModding for DummiesIntroduction to ModdingUpdating your client while using Tiara and AbyssLag Fix CompilationList of PMG Names
Mod packages!
Mod compilations containing multiple individual modifications. Please see their threads for information on contents.
Mabinogi FrontendPoison PackThe Unofficial Tiara's Moonshine ModPlaytime's PlayPackUser Updated Tiara's Moonshine ModGodwing CompilationKorean File PackMabinogi Optatio Facis (Korean Mod Package)Sinner's Lag Reduction Pack.Spirit Weapon Skin Pack
Bots and Macros!
Scripts and programs that automate things for you, such as skill training.
Autobot (Currently works, but all newer versions will fail due to an issue on the hosting server. Older versions will continue to work if they are not updated)Fossil Macro 9.6bEgg Restoration MacroFossil Macro 10.1Fossil Macro 10.2Fossil Macro 9.5 Source CodeMabinogi True/False BotWine BotAfk Ninja BotLogging Camp Ninja BotsPuppet Skill BotSmokescreen BotChain Mastery Training BotFreeStyleJam
Tools and Applications!
Various tools and applications to assist with modding, or the game in general. Please note that multiples listed below, will be different versions/updates. Check all of them for the version you require.
AK-Busica (Squire Conversation Tracker)Custom CE Patches (Data Gathering)MODKILLER Mass Mod UninstallerMabinogi File Integrity CheckerPower PatcherPMG Viewer ExpressMabi UnPackerCooking RulerMQO to PMG ConverterErinn TimerPMG EditorEnglish Data Packer 1.3FastCookAP Budget Spreadsheet (This works fine, but does not include new skills, and is fairly old)Source Code for MabiTime 1.4Nexon Account GeneratorLeatrix Latenxy Fixer (disables part of nagle's algorithm)MabiPackage ToolPMG EditorMabiTo,er 2.1Dye Lite G12 (English)PMG Color EditorAKB-numbers- Server CheckerPMG EditorGame Lag FixedFastCook TranslatedData Packer JapaneseUpdated Cooking RulerUpdated Cooking Ruler (again)Translated MabiPackage ToolData Packer 1.4MTU AdjusterPMG ViewerMabi Commerce 2Mabi Stat Reader3MLE Music Editor3MLE Updated
Modified AIs that change how things behave normally. Be it pets, or your own auto attack.
Wand Proficiency AIAuto HealShadow Blind and Shadow Cloak auto attack
Memory Patchers!
These modify the files and code of the game. These are much more complex and add much greater benefit to the user.
Please THOROUGHLY read everything about them before using or posting about one.
AbyssKanan's Open Source PatcherJinsu Nogi 37Jinsu Nogi 120Jinsu Nogi 125Jinsu Nogi 128Jinsu Nogi 139Jinsu Nogi 176Jinsu Nogi 179 TranslatedJinsu Nogi 180Jinsu Nogi 229mod_sharkerMAMP Rev.50 Ver.3
Music Scores!
Song music scores to show off your talented composing skills, or just a reason to break out that billion dollar instrument you've been hoarding!
Song of Storms (Ocarina of Time)Saria's Song (Ocarina of Time)Windmill Theme (Ocarina of Time)Castle Courtyard (Ocarina of Time)Failure Checker
Music and Sound Modifications!
Heard the same music a hundred times, and tired of it? Want to stop hearing Edern's hammer, or those annoying farm animals? We've got you covered!
Final Fantasy Victory Fanfare for Level UpMuted Tara Bell
This is incomplete! I also currently have some health related issues. I will be adding what I can day by day, but it may take a fair while.