It's still working. You just need to make sure that HackShield is updated before using the bypasser. It's best to run Mabi once with the bypasser removed to let it fully update. I've found that running Autoup.exe doesn't always fix the issues with the updates...
From epeeners. Breaking leech status because no one else researched the problem.
Excuse me but could you post a screenshot of your system hardware, I'm just a tad curious what your running.
I have been having the same problem as epeeners has as well for months. In my case, I can detail my hardware qithout a screenshot.
it is a HP Pavilion dv6 notebook pc runing Windows 7 64bit home prem.
Intel cor 13-2330M CPU 2.20GHz x2
4gb RAM
pen IMput available.
I have all the visual basic stuff allready instaled as well as their dll's inside th mabinogi folder itself. I've done everythnig already on forums.
Abyss works fine o my old Acer, but even after using the same step, it never work for my HP. SAme OS, similar specs
it may help o know I have a ATI/intel hybrid card. those things are evil.