Again with this error,
in module <unknown module> at 0023:5AFF3010, <unknown symbol>()+0x0
OS : Microsoft Windows 7, Service Pack 1
Memory : 4095MB
Date/Time : 2013/01/04, 11:06:20
Version : 0
Account : '', (0000000000000000)
EAX=746C654D EBX=0000000F ECX=746C654D EDX=00000056 ESI=0A28F830
EDI=746C654E EBP=0A28FF34 ESP=0A28F830 EIP=5AFF3010 FLG=00010206
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B
<call stack line>
0A28D2D4 ((module-name not available)): (filename not available): (function-name not available)
00630034 (Client): (filename not available): public: virtual bool __thiscall esl::IIMEEventHandler::PreTranslateMessage(unsigned int,unsigned int,long)
772BC8CB (ntdll): (filename not available): LdrResGetRCConfig
772C9F1D (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlCreateBoundaryDescriptor
772AEE5E (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlCultureNameToLCID
7728EF7B (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlHashUnicodeString
<call stack>
[5AFF3010] DSOUND.DLL::GetDeviceID() + 0xfd0
[5AFF47CF] DSOUND.DLL::GetDeviceID() + 0x278f
[67E6C3D4] MSVCR100.dll::_endthread() + 0x48
[67E6C474] MSVCR100.dll::_endthread() + 0xe8
[767E339A] kernel32.dll::BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0x12
[77299EF2] ntdll.dll::RtlInitializeExceptionChain() + 0x63
[77299EC5] ntdll.dll::RtlInitializeExceptionChain() + 0x36
I can just keep playing but for some reason I can't go into full screen mode which is a game killer for me.
Is there something I should set the value to 0 on or would that do anything.