Hello, I am currently using UTM and Abyss. But I am suffering from small font size in my client.
I Think i am using whiterabbit font when i install UTM, but abyss override it. The reason is i found that in this patch (G20, R226) in the beginning abyss is not working and i found the font is convenient but I can't see my CP (which is the function of abyss), but after abyss was fixed the font change back to the old way again.
I want to achieve that both working abyss and whiterabbit font, any way to achieve it?
Thank you.
Aside from not mentioning that you posted in other threads... =/
I want you to be able to learn and get to what you need here. Please read, experiment, search, and try things. I've done just that already as have many others before me. This doesn't make me any better than you, it just means I've different experiences. So, please, try--because this is what gave me those experiences. You'll be surprised how far you get and also feel a huge sense of achievement and satisfaction in knowing that you solved things yourself, and learned. Good luck to you.
You'd turn off the bitmap options in abyss.ini:
;Enabled the use of Bitmap fonts instead of Vector fonts.
;Fixes cutoff of text when using Bitmap.
; Patch by Step29.
Then when you install Tiara, you choose another font. The font previews should help, and you can also choose your own font (truetype) in place as long as you name it nanumgothicbold.ttf in ..\data\gfx\font\. Please make sure when you choose your font that you get one that plays nice with the client as some can be cut off or not appear correctly.