It says vista but i'm actually using windows 8. Wot is this wizardry. Any other suggestions? Please respond.
It's the client.
It honestly doesn't know WHAT it's doing. It thinks Windows server 2008 is win7.
Are you using Tiara? Do you have a data folder? What patches do you have enabled in Abyss?
Do you have another OS/computer that you can try this on?
Does it happen with a clean client?
Posting just the call stack stopped being even REMOTELY useful 60 revisions ago, for the most part. Answering the basic questions will get you a LOT further, a LOT quicker.
Whilst asking the same questions every post is wonderfully reminiscent of working tech support, I think I'll give it a miss.
If you have a problem, answer the following questions:
Do you have a data folder?
If yes, put the attached batch file in your mabinogi folder, run it, and post the "modslist.txt" that is created between these two spoiler tags:
What were you doing when you encountered the problem? Post a screenshot if you have one.
What OS are you using?
Post your error message between the two spoiler tags below:
Feel free to add more questions to the list if anyone's got others that could be of use when working out client crashes/issues, and I guess we'll make it a template for people to post.