When you guys come across a bot post, please do not post on it!
Simply click "Report to moderator"
We get hundreds of posts a day, you posting on it doesn't help anybody find it to deal with it.
The report button adds an icon to the forum in two places, where attention is required so any problem can be dealt with as soon as possible.
The report button also may be used to simply get our attention, for example, if you think something should be moved, report the post that needs moved, and type in that you want it moved, and why.
You can also do it for getting something locked.
It's not only for getting people in trouble (though that is a use for it! Report harassment and flame wars, don't post on them!)
What reporting does, is basically leaves the staff a little notice on the top of the site, as well as the side bar.
It's like sending a PM to every staff member at once (only ones who are on the board in question)
Once one staff member sees it and deals with it, it won't appear to the rest unless they look for it.
Don't think your bothering us, just hit report if you think somethings should be done about the post, be it moved, locked, deleted, ending flame wars, whatever.
Just remember, it is NOT to be used to send PM's to us, people have done this, it is NOT what this is used for. Use a real PM if you just want to tell us something.