First off I want to say thanks for continuously updating UO Tiara.
Now I don't usually have any problems with using this, but after v104 a lot of the things stopped working for me. This also happened during v102 of Mabi, but everything got fixed after installing Tiara for v103. Right now, a lot of things still work (e.g. dungeon fog removal, mini map zoom, DK sound, L-Rod glow change, etc.) but the assistant character last location labeling, shorter inventory and quest tabs, and the CTRL+P/N/Backslash message removal don't anymore. Only those aren't working as far as I can tell. There are most likely more that are broken for me that are hiding themselves away somewhere though.
I've tried reinstalling Tiara multiple times (while making sure to use Data Packer to remove all mods before the un- and re-install cycle), but the broken mods are still broken and the already working ones are still fine. I've scanned through all 73 pages on this thread and couldn't find anything that would help me. Trying to run a google search led me to sites about just hairstyles, lol. What should I do to fix this?