NEW:AutoBot is now included with the uo tiara installer.
VirusTotal Scan 3/ 43
false positives.
I used Theri's Core.au3; fixed added and updated much of the code and made it standalone; started with my Fossil Restoration 10.2.
Since then i have been working on Mining sulfur golem's plus restoring that got me started on more bots like Gathering from snowman and Metallurgy rather then just a basic macro so i then added GUI's and ini files for settings.
Frontend (needs updated to work with uo tiara registry db)
Fossil Restoration
Fighting (skill spamming,wand prof)
Auto Clicker (basic version but have big plans in mind)
ini supports delay times and other settings to adjust bot features.
Can be used at any location provided the images in the area still match depending on terrain may need to take new screen shots.
Unlimited image search ie; can name images silver.bmp, silver1.bmp silver2.bmp and will search until result equals true.
Optional enable/disable moving/rotating screen to find images better.
Scalability to pick up, hit, gather or mine any item, mob or prop and prioritize the order it looks for them.
Enable and disable props, items and mobs to search for by changing value from 4 or 0 (off) to 1 (on) in .ini or from GUI 0 (off) to 1 (on).
Supports hot keys to close or pause bot while mabinogi is active window.
Can Use and Drop items for the bots its necessary with.
Can switch tools from
a summoned pet or inventory. (so far only with sieve for metallurgy).
Has location reset for metallurgy. (just one way-point so far so this will be the beginning of what could be a fully automated bot.)
Work in Progress Bots:
Blacksmith Minigame
Winemaking Feeder
These bots were started by other people that came to me to help improve, convert or finish them and credit is given in the source but i have not had the time to add them into AutoBot or limit/specialize the function of EgoFeeder but with YFeeder out their now i see no reason not to release it even though i was intending on merging it with a Fishing bot.
Things to do:
make a fishing bot for boat, this will force me to work on talk to npc and sell/buy items functions to use with other bots for when i make the way-points functions and ego feeding.
add map.jpg edits and way-points to talk to npcs and make repairs, maybe add flying to way-points or house flyer glitch for ways of traveling...maybe far fetched but possible and on my list.
make a better farm bot that checks percentages and chooses best action to use rather then a set of timers and predetermined order by using pixel search.
need to incorporate other macros such as tailoring minigame and ego feeding with GUI and additional settings.
and list goes on... because this program is inherently impossible to finish due to the fact i will always be adding to it as long as i play mabinogi. (I no longer play mabinogi)
END = Exit GUI/Program
DELETE = Exit GUI/Program
ENTER = Manual Fossil Restore
X = Manual Fossil Restore
Z = Toggle Fossil Auto Scan
SPACE = 10 second pause
INSERT = 10 second pause
PAUSE = 10 second pause
Video Tutorial provided by MoonRaver to about 3:00)
i'll try to clean the fossils up more later and add a readme or tutorial
beak, tooth and pumpkin star fragments and maybe eggs are mostly restored the rest are perfect.
if you hear the sound "Found" and mouse doesn't move open it with administrator privileges or if its just not finding them in general try changing your pc resolutions close to 1024x768 and mabi to 800x600 also disable 'use items' and 'auto scan' use the fossil yourself and press 'x' or 'enter' key.