Nexon has recently updated Mabinogi to a 64 bit client. This update has broken many mods in memory patchers for the time being. The mod creators are working hard to essentially rebuild all mods from scratch, and this process will take some time. Please be patient, and stay tuned for more updates.
Keep in mind that you must register an account, and be logged in to view any content on this site.
Keep in mind that you must register an account, and be logged in to view any content on this site.
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26 May 2023 - Mabinogi Frontend v6.7
Tada, updated to fix Nexon's shennanigans once again!
As usual, Frontend related discussion goes here. The download info as always is in the files section.
As a reminder, this newer 64 bit version will need to be fresh installed. There is no way to update the existing program as-is directly to the new version. I apologize for any inconvenience.
As a side note, between the 64 bit update and a slight change to how the programs I make are encrypted, there is a decent chance that antivirus systems will despise it and automatically assume it's a virus, but I can assure you that is not the case. Simply add any affected programs to your allow list.
Also, Nova now has multiclient capabilities!
Enjoy everyone!
As usual, Frontend related discussion goes here. The download info as always is in the files section.
As a reminder, this newer 64 bit version will need to be fresh installed. There is no way to update the existing program as-is directly to the new version. I apologize for any inconvenience.
As a side note, between the 64 bit update and a slight change to how the programs I make are encrypted, there is a decent chance that antivirus systems will despise it and automatically assume it's a virus, but I can assure you that is not the case. Simply add any affected programs to your allow list.
Also, Nova now has multiclient capabilities!
Enjoy everyone!
27 May 2019 - Mailing is Fixed... Sorry this took so long...
Hey guys, I'm back temporarily!
Apparently nobody has been getting forgotten password emails or activation emails for a looooooooooooooong time.
This has been fixed now, all outgoing mail will be traversing Postmarkapp for outbound notifications, so start expecting email from an address such as [email protected] or [email protected].
If you have any issues let us know by posting below!
Marck out. *poof*
Apparently nobody has been getting forgotten password emails or activation emails for a looooooooooooooong time.
This has been fixed now, all outgoing mail will be traversing Postmarkapp for outbound notifications, so start expecting email from an address such as [email protected] or [email protected].
If you have any issues let us know by posting below!
Marck out. *poof*
09 Jan 2019 - [Release] PMGedit
Hello everyone, today should be pretty groundbreaking. For years we've been stuck with a shoddy pmg editor, but now this has changed. Instead of all the bugs and limitations we have had for the previous decade or so while we were stuck with the old and heavily outdated editor, this new program will allow advanced users to create modifications and even items in the right context for mabinogi as far as your imagination will take you without the downsides that existed before it. How ever, given the nature of this program, a few things need to be explained and they will be below.
The PMG editor from this point on will be referred to as PMGedit, and do note that this program has some specific functions that act more as an importer and exporter than an editor or 3d model adjuster. In fact the program its self does not "edit" anything, and is more a finishing step to what you otherwise must do in third party software. With this said one must have rudimentary knowledge of 3d...
The PMG editor from this point on will be referred to as PMGedit, and do note that this program has some specific functions that act more as an importer and exporter than an editor or 3d model adjuster. In fact the program its self does not "edit" anything, and is more a finishing step to what you otherwise must do in third party software. With this said one must have rudimentary knowledge of 3d...
13 Feb 2018 - [Release] Blacksmith/Tailor Manual Tooltip Mod
Adds the materials required per attempt, average completion percentage and finishing materials, to the popup tooltip given when you mouseover a blacksmithing or tailor scroll.

Mod idea first seen on Chinese server, recreated and applied from scratch for NA server.
If you're not fond of the colours I chose, you can probably do a 'Find and Replace All' for the <color=7> etc. tags, with whatever number of the colour you like.

Mod idea first seen on Chinese server, recreated and applied from scratch for NA server.
If you're not fond of the colours I chose, you can probably do a 'Find and Replace All' for the <color=7> etc. tags, with whatever number of the colour you like.
07 Mar 2017 - Official MabiMods Discord!
The past has been a lot of testing and messing about.
This is it though. The real deal. The MabiMods Discord server!
All members should now notice the Discord server on the site, along the right sidebar.
This is it though. The real deal. The MabiMods Discord server!
All members should now notice the Discord server on the site, along the right sidebar.

11 Jan 2016 - Patreon Now Open!
Hello everyone. I've finally brought myself to go through with starting a Patreon for Frontend and the misc. other stuff I make and do.
I appreciate everyone's feedback over the past few months as I tried to figure out the best way to go about doing this.
I wanted to wait until I had a video made for it, and I held out as long as I could, but unfortunately my finances have reached critical condition, as my monthly bills are now coming dangerously close to lapsing.
I hope you all consider throwing a bit in the pot so to speak, but I understand that not everyone will be able to. There's more info on the Patreon page.
I went ahead and locked the other thread, so any additional feedback can be put here.
Thanks again everyone!
I appreciate everyone's feedback over the past few months as I tried to figure out the best way to go about doing this.
I wanted to wait until I had a video made for it, and I held out as long as I could, but unfortunately my finances have reached critical condition, as my monthly bills are now coming dangerously close to lapsing.
I hope you all consider throwing a bit in the pot so to speak, but I understand that not everyone will be able to. There's more info on the Patreon page.
I went ahead and locked the other thread, so any additional feedback can be put here.
Thanks again everyone!
18 May 2013 - An Introduction to Modding
An Introduction to Modding
an attempt to comprehensively cover beginner modding
an attempt to comprehensively cover beginner modding
This is for people that wish to learn about how mods work, what files do what, and how to change things yourself. Those who can’t be bothered to learn what they’re doing to their computer; feel free to skip this guide.
Also; I am incredibly stupid, like most humans, keep this in mind as you read.
Also; I am incredibly stupid, like most humans, keep this in mind as you read.
The Basics
You’ll be dealing with a few things in you modding career, if you have one.
The Directory
In your Mabinogi directory (steamapps\common\Mabinogi if you installed through Steam) you’ll see a few things, quite a few if you’re already knee-deep in modding.
You have your executables, the Dynamic Link Libraries (.dlls,) some folders, etc.
We’re mainly interested in the package folder, which is where the flesh of the gam...
27 Oct 2012 - [September 3, 2023]Abyss Patcher
Support Abyss:
May have outdated information.
Current goal: $100 out of $100 for 4 years of no down time and an official domain.
Feel free to add to the goal:
Patreon to support Blade3575 and Step29's development of the project:
Abyss Discord:
- Do not make mirror links or give out any of the files without my permission.
- You do not have permission to reverse engineer, extract, alter, or use any part of Abyss. Abyss is not open source.
May have outdated information.
Q. Why is NGS detecting a threat?
A. If there was a maintenance, it's likely Abyss will need to be...
24 Jul 2011 - The Unofficial Tiara's Moonshine Mod & Autobot

Join Discord!
I'm going to be removing 4 of the fonts in UOTiara someday.. as there really is no need for 7 and would rather just keep the top 3, please vote here
Read Me!
UO Tiara is designed for North America Mabinogi only.
In my absence, Thanks to Draconis for keeping UO Tiara updated from R201 to R269.
Thanks to Penguin Eater for all the hard work keeping UO Tiara updated from R69 to R84 and...
30 Apr 2011 - READ THIS FIRST! Master-Guide to Modding! (06/2/2016)
☢Before we begin this guide, I ask all readers stop for a minute, and read this little paragraph, in regards to a truly great person, MabiMods' own Proffessor. ☢
Take a minute, and read what he has to say. He just sits there and takes all the bullcrap from this community, gets no credit for his amazing work that he, and he alone is capable to doing, sure other people have come close, like Shaggy (no offence shags), but his work is garbage in comparison to the true Frontend by the Proffessor, and Shaggy's works are currently the most used and most helpful mods we have, that right there, is saying a lot.
Here, take a look at some of the things he's done for us,
The first thing I'd like to put out there, is [url=
04 Oct 2009 - Rules
1* No Blatant Advertising. - This forum is not free advertising space and is not a place to advertise your website! Please take your business elsewhere. This also goes for selling accounts!
2* No Spamming. - No commercial posts or flooding the forum with useless content just to get your post count up. Also, responding to a request with "no", "go away", "gtfo", etc. is considered spam AND flaming. Same thing goes for honest questions, don't post unless you have a polite, informative answer to the question.
3* No flooding the Chat. - Do not spam a message over and over again just to get someone to read it. If they do not want to read it, they must have a good reason.
4* Off-Topic Posting. - As seen in everyday conversations, topics will naturally glide off topic. This is perfectly natural. As long as it glides, and doesn't stall right out of the sky, it...
2* No Spamming. - No commercial posts or flooding the forum with useless content just to get your post count up. Also, responding to a request with "no", "go away", "gtfo", etc. is considered spam AND flaming. Same thing goes for honest questions, don't post unless you have a polite, informative answer to the question.
3* No flooding the Chat. - Do not spam a message over and over again just to get someone to read it. If they do not want to read it, they must have a good reason.
4* Off-Topic Posting. - As seen in everyday conversations, topics will naturally glide off topic. This is perfectly natural. As long as it glides, and doesn't stall right out of the sky, it...
01 Oct 2009 - General Question Thread
In our continuing effort to prevent necroposting and excessively off-topic posts, I have created this thread to collect all random statements, questions, etc. Please post here rather than finding an ancient topic from last year, and posting something totally unreleated to that topic.
I have made this topic sticky so that it won't be hard to find. This is one of very few topics where off-topic posts and necroposting are allowed, but the other rules still apply.
Please post non-mod-related Mabi questions in the same-titled thread in the General discussion section.
I have made this topic sticky so that it won't be hard to find. This is one of very few topics where off-topic posts and necroposting are allowed, but the other rules still apply.
Please post non-mod-related Mabi questions in the same-titled thread in the General discussion section.
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